Idioms are a fascinating and integral part of the English language, but they can be give task for English language learners.

  1. Role-Playing: Engage students in role-playing that require the use of idiomatic expressions. This can make learning more practical and mental excersize.

  2. Idiom Dictionaries: Encourage the use of idiom dictionaries or online resources where students can look up idioms and their meanings.

  3. Idiom Challenges: Organize idiom challenges or competitions games where students have to correctly use idioms in sentences or conversations and give chance each student to participate in activity.

  4. Real-life Applications: Discuss real-life situations where idioms are commonly used, such as in market,tv seriels,in classroom etc.

  5. 3 group activity
  6. pairwork discussion

  7. talk on board activities,

  9. 1.PURE IDIOM:Pure idioms are idioms whose original meaning is lost to the extent that there is no possible way to analyze the phrase logically to come to an understanding of its meaning.

  10. 2.BINOMINAL IDIOMS;Binomial idioms are idioms that involve two parts that work together or in contrast to construct an expression.

  11. 3.PARTIAL IDIOMS:A partial idiom contains a literal part and a non-literal part. An example is “storm brewing in his eyes.” This idiom refers to a look of ferocity in someone’s face that can usually be identified in the intensity of their eyes.

  12. 4.PREPOSITIONAL IDIOMS:Prepositional idioms are idioms that contain prepositional verbs plus an adverb or a preposition to create non-literal meaning. These types of idioms need to be placed into a sentence and cannot be used in isolation.


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